Use "fomented a revolution|foment a revolution" in a sentence

1. The rebels know the truth and seek to foment revolution.

2. They never foment revolution or participate in acts of civil disobedience.

3. The American Revolution was a citizen's revolution.

4. The industrial revolution was also a cultural revolution.

5. Let's make the feminist revolution a humanist revolution.

6. A revolution, in order to be great, must be a social revolution.

7. The Comintern gained strength during the 1920s, but its efforts to foment revolution, notably in Germany, were unsuccessful

8. The Chinese revolution is a continuation of the great October Revolution.

9. The March Revolution in Vienna was a catalyst to revolution throughout the German states.

10. Toller, who was also a playwright, described the revolution as the "Bavarian Revolution of Love".

11. Penicillin produced a revolution in medicine.

12. Revolution and regicide a grand fact?

13. Cgi: A Revolution Colored by Nostalgia

14. Aldehydes triggered a revolution in perfumery

15. The Industrial Revolution is a complex phenomenon.

16. You know what could use a revolution?

17. A revolution is violent, turbulent and sanguinary .

18. The Reformation was thus a media revolution.

19. Love & Badassery is a truth revolution

20. The industrial revolution began a minute ago.

21. My friends, there is a revolution coming.

22. The Green Revolution


24. Green Revolution begins.

25. So there was a revolution across the world.

26. Marketing has undergone a revolution in recent years.

27. This was a prologue to today's bloodless revolution.

28. In Germany, meanwhile, a revolution had taken place.

29. The whole world is engulfed in a revolution.

30. Britain in the throes of a socialist revolution?

31. The other ingredient of the first modern agricultural revolution was the industrial revolution.

32. Thus a period concurrent with the "neolithic" revolution.

33. She authored a history of the Chinese Revolution.

34. The French Revolution ushered in a new age.

35. A revolution in information technology is taking place.

36. It is from this Bahutu point of view that 1959 looks like a revolution, and 1994 must look like a counter-revolution.

37. The industrial revolution, then, was not a preliminary primitive stage required for the hatching of the more sophisticated information revolution.

38. Their revolution, not yours.

39. The revolution is happening.

40. Defying the Iranian Revolution.

41. April 8, Revolution aftermath

42. Long live the revolution!

43. Some ( The American Revolution, the French Revolution ) clearly do change things for the better.

44. We'll win the revolution!

45. Automotive and Energy Revolution

46. It needed and wanted to bring about a revolution.

47. The army officers led a revolution against the king.

48. 21 It was a derogatory word after the revolution.

49. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communist revolution.

50. The strikes are viewed as a portent of revolution.

51. This guy's shirt says, " Stop bitching, start a revolution. "

52. The revolution was followed by a reign of terror.

53. I even started a thesis on the Russian Revolution.

54. 2 Consider misgovernment to be a justification for revolution.

55. The Cultural Revolution is a catastrophe to Chinese people.

56. The industrial revolution was a major historical turning point .

57. Would Patrick Henry have ignited a revolution by saying,

58. Political revolution is a recurrent theme in Riley's books.

59. The earth makes a yearly revolution around the sun.

60. The Industrial Revolution was a great experiment in biology.

61. The Russian Revolution represents a landmark in world history.

62. Commercialize reform, it is a revolution of discomfit system.

63. The Copernican Revolution Astronomy 141 – Winter 2012 The lecture will discuss the Copernican Revolution

64. There is also a rural entrepreneurial revolution in China.

65. If it all works, a second green revolution beckons.

66. The French Revolution was a volcanic upheavalin European history.

67. This guy's shirt says, "Stop bitching, start a revolution."

68. 3 This was a prologue to today's bloodless revolution.

69. Iranian Revolution - Iranian Revolution - Aftermath: On April 1, following overwhelming support in a national referendum, Khomeini declared Iran an Islamic republic

70. The French Revolution changed France from a monarchy to a republic.

71. And I've been thinking that it's time; it's time for a collision between the digital education revolution and the community health revolution.

72. The October Revolution, also known as the Great October Socialist Revolution, as the official term in the Soviet Union, the Bolshevik Coup, the Bolshevik Revolution, the October Uprising, the October Coup or Red October, was a revolution in Russia led by the Bolshevik Party of Vladimir Lenin that was instrumental in the larger Russian Revolution of 1917–1923.

73. Doll Revolution (Limit… The Bangles

74. It was the Cultural Revolution.

75. Revolution was to be feared.

76. After the revolution, anarchy ruled.

77. The revolution significantly Arabized Egypt

78. The Cobra revolution has begun.

79. What about the electronic revolution?

80. His ideas formed the Revolution.